Weekly Capstone Entry 8
This week we had 1:1 sessions with our teacher to check in and see how we are doing as far as progress goes. After meeting with her, I feel very confident that I am on the right track. I did receive some helpful feedback in terms of how I should gather the specific information I want in this guidebook. I was told to interview more than 2 people who own houseplants and get their input on what would be helpful to have in this guide. I should also have them show me their plants as well. Since I don’t want to write a whole textbook, it would be helpful to know what other beginner plant owners would like the most. Whether that be specific plant care, designing with plants, stories, etc. I think it would also help me figure out how to categorize and organize the information in a way that makes the most sense. This week we also got a comment from our teacher on our revised project briefs that we turned in last week. It was another reassurance to me knowing that I have done a decent amount of secondary research on my topic and that I’ve successfully identified my niche. This week we were also assigned a round robin activity for next week where we are presenting a 4-page PDF that is more visual rather than text based. I think my peers will really help me identify and clarify what I specifically should include in my guidebook. I am still happy with my chosen topic of houseplants and I feel that I am becoming more excited about my capstone project!
Revised Project Brief Feedback: